La nostra Fondazione contribuisce a IFDAD 2020 – International Forum of Digital and Decmocracy dell’Associazione Copernicani

La nostra Fondazione è partner finanziatore dell’International Forum on Digital and Democracy (IFDAD 2020) organizzato online dall’Associazione Copernicani (10-11 dicembre 2020).

Dal sito del convegno: “This two-day conference aims to be a meeting place between politics and academics and a moment of confrontation, promoting international collaboration through the exchange of information, ideas and best practices. Gathering contributions of high-level experts and government representatives from around the world, the International Forum on Digital and Democracy will address the following issues:

  • How is it possible to deal with both speed and scale of digital besides the policymaking process, also considering the current analogic “ecosystem” of institutions?
  • What should an analysis of guarantees, limitations, obligations, privacy, transparency look like, in the current changing scenario?
  • What are the main features of recent experimentations, and which lessons should we learn from them?
  • In this fast-paced digital society, how we can build sound hypotheses for the future of democracy?”

Il convegno, in lingua inglese, ha visto la partecipazione di relatori prestigiosi, fra cui Manuel Castells, Romano Prodi, Jeffrey Sachs, Vera Jourovà, Roberto Viola e molti altri.